2021 Gosling Hatch-a-Long

The pilgrim(s) went into lockdown. Of the five, two were non starters and two were quitters so I only have one that I really hope hatches. If it doesn't, or it's not a male, I'll probably just find a breeder within a four or five hour drive and buy a young gander this fall.
Yea! My pilgrim hatched AND he was a boy. Alden joins Constance and Prudence as my newest mini flock. He had a duck friend hatch with him, but I think in a few days they'll both join the 8 Toulouse in the indoor brooder. They're both distinctive enough I'll be able to pick them out when I need to. :)
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Third candling today...feeling a bit of dread, since I'm down to just the 1 shipped egg (but, fortunately, a bunch of my gaggle's are plugging right along). It's a bit depressing to see the eggs start to go, and then quit. While it's easy to blame USPS, I really have to wonder about the health of the breeder flock, too.

On the other hand, just candled the group I set after this one and fertility was 100%. :yesss:

Will update w/candling results later today...wish me luck. 🤞

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