21st Century Incubator in development. Need feedback/volunteers!

Well, from what I can see.... The CoopCreation "Star-Bator" is a FINISHED product. Not just a PART! The item you have shown is just A PART you have to install in a bator you build. The "Star-Bator" Is a finished, ready to plug in and use Item! ( with minor tweeking)

Just my observation!

Added: If you read the info provided on the part page, you can see it says you have to install and solder it together yourself!

Direct quotefrom part shown: "Please note that this electronic kit requires assembly and soldering, and the incubator box must be of your own construction. Also, the kit requires a 12 VDC / 2 Amp power source to operate such as a wall plug type supply. "
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I realize it's just the part, I'm trying to find out if it's the same "revolutionary" part the OP is using. They are both from MI and he said it was coming from a local company.

So is the only difference the assembly? If so, there are detailed instructions to complete the entire incubator (further down another link) then many more who would like this technology and are willing to assemble can do so now vs waiting for it to become available from the OP.

I don't remember how long ago I bookmarked it, but it's been a bit. I also have another similar unit I was looking at bookmarked that the board can be finished for you and it's half the price. http://www.apogeekits.com/thermostat_vm137.htm How to increase temp range. http://chat.allotment.org.uk/index.php?topic=21731.0 Other info/options too.

Half that if you don't mind assembling the board. I was looking more seriously at that one to use with a peltier unit. Bigger non styrofoam bator. Thought about repurposing an old pc to really go state of the art on the cheap.

Full build PDF http://www.mtmscientific.com/incman.pdf
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averytds, "Local Company" would be a result of the OP being in MI and the link you provide above is a company located in MI. See that is what local means, it is near by. Also the OP points out that his plans are centered around this device and then includes a whole list of other stuff. These would be "Differences". including all those bits and pieces that where mentioned above, well those are differences also. And the fact that he is willing to send all this stuff for free, or at least last I looked he was, well that would be a difference also.

oops also just noticed with your second link above. Don't jump to fast at that deal. it's only a thermostat and has a range of 41 to 86 degrees.
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Hackle Chickens and other Fowl. All Genetically breed for their feathers. think of a chicken with 12 inch saddle feathers. they do exist but you can only buy their skin.
Sorry, maybe being text, the wrong tone is coming into play. I do understand the meaning of "Local" and I pointed out they are both from MI. My hope was that they were collaborating. The alternatives would all be.....
. I swear I no sooner think of the greatest invention and it pops up on the shelf at Wal-Mart.

I'm not trying to knock what the OP is doing, but there is far more interest than can be met anytime soon as he works out his prototype. I think it's essential for people to have the option of buying things already assembled with the kinks worked out. Some people just can't and/or won't and are willing to pay. I do that myself depending on what and finances. There are also just as many people with that DIY mentality and/or limited finances that would appreciate knowing about the info in the PDF and the availability of the parts. Think of the number of hatches they could already have done before they could ever hope to get their hands on the OP's model.

Also I personally would want a heads up if something I was thinking of spending a lot of my time and money working out was already being done or had been figured out by someone else. At the very least I would compare the differences. If they already have a successfully working model I'd probably give them a call. Never know what you might learn. Maybe something you are thinking of doing they tried and it was a flop.

I decided to go external, cheap and easily swappable/locally available on my new bator. The builder is only 7 though, so I thought it was for the best, plus it'll be loaned out a bit. I'll keep bookmarking the interesting things I run across and picking up a part here and there for the ultimate build for later on. Most likely I'll run across a TEC fridge dirt cheap and go that route eventually.
Why didn't I see this yesterday???
I have a request, since I can't be a tester, and you are a geek. Is there any way you could put an O2 sensor, and/or a CO2 sensor and show the results on a digital readout? I have no idea what my hovabator values are, but I often wonder, especially when I crowd a lot of eggs in there at one time. (the "more on the floor" method)
I'd love to test it for you! I work from home so would be able to give lots of updates! I could also ship you some eggs if you needed.
averytds, I apologize that my post sounds sarcastic, I meant it to be more tongue in cheek humorous. I guess that is what I get for staying up late. Late for me that is. I for one am a DIY type but not so much the Geek as far as electronics go. Home made incubators are not for everyone, I am working on my own and at the same time am giving serious thought to getting a Suro 20 or it's like product. I am pretty impressed with what I have been seeing and hearing about that little incubator and I have not hatched eggs for years. But even had I known that right from the start, there is no way you would keep me from making my own. that has more to do with understanding the incubator inside and out than anything. I understand your "why not get right to it" view point. But hatching eggs is not the sole end goal for everyone. Without the OP types. you would have to incubate your eggs over an open fire. again that is supposed to be funny not sarcastic.

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