-22F last night and got 9 eggs from 10 hens today!

I don't remember ever having to buy this many eggs at the store either. Store eggs are awful.
I have had to buy a few dozen eggs for my cookies this year. I only buy eggs from the Happy Egg Co - https://happyegg.co/. Their eggs are as good as mine. Obviously they cost more than EB, etc.

Are your birds laying....pullets(under a year old) or hens(over a year old)?
Mine are all in their second winter right now, except for one who is in her fourth, but she stopped laying last summer. I'm getting 1-3 eggs a day from the 7 layers. Enough for the two of us, but not enough to make all the cookies I do.

Merry cluckin' Christmas!!!
Our problem is that the eggs freeze, and while we believe they're still edible (haven't gotten sick yet) the texture or something is different in that they don't mix well for baking - I got white clumps in my pumpkin pie -so we have to keep them separate from the ones we sell.

Yes, when it gets really cold, I have been collecting some frozen eggs that have already cracked. What I do is wash them off and then break them into a small bowl. Interestingly, the frozen eggs come out like a hardboiled egg but the shell almost always breaks in half perfectly! I let them thaw out in the refrigerator until the next day and then I cook them up. Usually, with a frozen egg, I mix it up and use it for a breakfast egg, ham and cheese bagel. I agree that the frozen egg texture is a bit different from a fresh egg, but it works well scrambled and tastes just as good.
You can learn to cook now. Any sort of recipe you want to try is online, and any technique you don't know can be learned by watching a YouTube video.

Exactly. That is what I do. I can't say I really enjoy cooking, but I do appreciate the food I have cooked. Dear Wife is a good cook. Cooking is a way she calms herself down after a hard day at work. I don't really understand that, but it has always worked to my advantage. But all these eggs are new for both of us, so I have been stepping up my share of the cooking.
Last year at this same time, my girls were laying every day and I was giving eggs away because I had so many. This year they were molting in November! :eek: They are just now starting to look normal again. I don't remember ever having to buy this many eggs at the store either. Store eggs are awful...LOL Mine are under a bit of stress due to moving but the really hot weather and the sudden turn downward into the 20's must have had some effect on their cycle.

My first winter girls are laying good, but I suspect it will be slower next year. My birds have not gone through a molt yet.
It is winter solstice today!

It will be quite interesting to see when and by how much egg production increases for everyone.

Yes, Happy Solstice to all. Today, our temps hit a spring like 33F. Snow is melting off the windshield of the car all by itself! I did not have to wear gloves outside today for the first time in weeks. The sun is shinning. I am dreaming of mowing the lawn and feeding the grass clippings to the girls.... :clap

Just have to get through the next 4 months of winter. :hit:barnie
Exactly. That is what I do. I can't say I really enjoy cooking, but I do appreciate the food I have cooked. Dear Wife is a good cook. Cooking is a way she calms herself down after a hard day at work. I don't really understand that, but it has always worked to my advantage. But all these eggs are new for both of us, so I have been stepping up my share of the cooking.
I needed to make some coconut flan last summer and must have watched 10 videos on, and had 3 or 4 failed attempts at, making the caramel, but I finally got it. I just keep trying until I figure it out. In the videos, they make it looks so easy, and then I would do it and end up with one big Werthers caramel. :lau In the end, the flan was a big hit!

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