25 cents=endless fun & treats!

Fantastic idea!!!! I have 2 seriously spoiled SLW hens that give me soooooo much entertainment. I will have to try this one.
I would love to post a photo....but what I really need to do is post a VIDEO...to truly appreciate the fun they have been having, you'd have to watch them "hunting"t he flies. They have gotten so bad now that basically all they do all day long is crouch down and wait for flies to land, then snatch them up!! hahaha. They've learned that if they stand too close the flies don't land as much, so they back off and wait and stalk them.
Its also funny that 1 of my 4 turkeys seems 10 times more into fly hunting than the other 3....not sure why.
btw....they did it so much the first 2 days that they wore all the sticky stuff off the fly paper! ha I replaced it. They new paper is even more fun because the turkeys often get the excess sticky stuff in their beak and its great fun to watch them unstick it and/or get things stuck on their beaks for a minute! ha
Please let me know if any of you try this and how it went with your birds.

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