25 New Ladies in the House


12 Years
Mar 6, 2007
I brought home my little girls yesterday. 20 White Leghorns, 5 Brown Leghorns. They are so cute. They went straight to the food and water. Temp is right at 90, two lamps incase one goes out. Several would come over when I put my hand in and jump in my hand. They are all alert, moving, chirping, man I did not realize how loud those little things could be. I checked on them all through the night, at one point they were all laying there asleep.

Is it possible for them all to make it? Also, they are supposed to be pullets, but can I expect to get a little boy in there too?:eek:

It was all I could do not to take the rest of the Brown Leghorns my feed store had ordered. I guess they had ordered 25 of them, with me taking 5. I still may go back and get the rest. Man I gotta stop.

Great day to you all.
ChickenGeorge, Congrats on the healthy peeps. It's common for all the peeps to make it once they are eating, drinking, and don't have problems with pasting rears.

Sounds like yous are doing great!

Sounds like a healthy bunch! You probably did get all girls; sometimes there is a sexing mistake-I have a Light Brahma right now that was sexed as a pullet but is obviously a cockerel, but that doesn't happen too terribly often. However, it is an art, that sexing thing!
Enjoy your little poop-machines!
Congrats on the peeps, aren't they cute? Just wait though, you won't recognize them in 3 weeks they grow sooo fast!

My first batch of 26 all survived to adulthood and all were girls, so it sure is possible. Hope it goes as well with yours!
Well they are a week old today. I replaced the two regular lamps with a red 250 heat lamp this weekend. They love it. They were not pecking each other or anything, just wanted to see if there was a difference. They all just sprawl out like a day at the beach. Then they are up and going, out again, up and going. Man they eat and poop A LOT! When will they lose the fuz?
ChickenGeorge, Once you are familiar with using the red 250 watt bulb you will never go back to white again.

Won't take long for the peeps to be completely feathered, usually by 6 to 8 weeks.

My first 3 chicks I got last spring at the feedstore. They were all supposed to be pullets. Well, that is where Jack came from. My friend Mary (aka Hotwings) kept coming over and saying man her comb is alot bigger, are you sure thats not a rooster? Of course not... the sign said they were pullets. So out of only 3 hens, one became a rooster. So, it can happen.

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