250-300 pound pig thinks it's a lap dog help!!

Aren't they pretty


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For some reason the only escapers we had were our bulls. Everyone else behaved pretty well. My favorite thing was bottle feeding the orphaned calves. My grandpa would bring them in the garage if it was winter and my grandma would pitch a fit, hahaha.
Well I do believe miss Maple is going into her heat, unfortunately so am I and she just tried to bite me through the fence. Guess she wants her man to her self which is fine just means they have to wait to go in to their new pen till next week. That way I don't get bitten. I went ahead and stood on something to give them food so not going in there.
Turns out her heat isn't the issue. She just figured out that she a pig and has learned how to gain dominance... She trying to beat up bacon that's not going well for her. And she seems to realize she want to gain rank over me atleast that's how I am reading it now. She kept trying to throw me or jump on me.... That didn't work out for her. When we move them we going to watch her very carefully I tend to doubt I ever take her for a walk again... I end up not starting so I figured I let her go for a walk and today changed my mind real quick about doing that. I got her in her pen and pushed her around and dodged her efforts. But the line is drawn now. Unless I have to I won't go in the pen when they are in them.

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