26-week old ameraucana not laying


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 30, 2011
Rockvale, TN
Hi guys!!! I have a 26-week old Ameraucana that has yet to lay an egg. Is this normal, or is there something wrong with her? I have two other chickens (different breeds) that started laying at 24 weeks, so I assumed this one would lay then, too. Not yet, though!
Thanks to you both! Do you have any idea at what age I should expect her to start laying? I'm really hoping that she starts before winter gets here!


I have 3 and 1 finally laid her first egg at 26 weeks (perfect little pastel egg!). The other 2 still look a long way off (small pale combs) I'm guessing at least 3 more weeks.

I've had the DH set up a light on a timer so at 5am the light is on in the coop and my girls are awake. I usually get an egg or two by 8am. perhaps before winter starts, try this little trick.
My Ameraucanas took the same time as most of my flock, but my Easter Eggers took forever.

Each bird and especially strain does vary.
My POLs were late bloomers too. As long as she is healthy, just need to be patient.

My elders tell me that when they were young, it took a whole year for chickens to mature enough to lay for for meat. They were astonished that Cornish X can be ready at 4 months and layers may start at 5 months.
Is she squatting yet? My EE just started squatting on sunday, around 23 weeks...hopefully she'll soon join her WL and RIR flockmates as contributing members of the household. This morning she was hanging around in the nesting box for the first time, checkin' it out.
I have three EE's who were the last of my flock to start laying. One at 27 weeks, and two at 28 1/2 weeks. But yesterday I did get three blue eggs!!!!

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