28 days later and they disappeared

I would check with the neighbors. They could have gotten scared by a dog or something and hid out somewhere. Then got confused on how to get home. Put up flyers you never know. Good luck!


The girls made it safely home at 9 this morning. We were getting ready to go out and look for them, armed with our signs. We didn't have to. They came home on their own. I went in and gave them a stern talking to
Gave them lots of treats and closed the door to the run/coop area. I feel like they should be on "lockdown" for a day so they know not to roam so far away again. Seeing as they all returned safe and sound I think they just roamed too far last night and knew they couldn't make it back before dark so they found a safe place for the night.

I am sooooooooooo excited that they are back home!!!
I am so glad you have a happy ending! Some of my girls have done that before. It starts getting dark and they just get up off the ground. Then in the morning they can return.

Lots of treats today!
lesson learned here I hope you may be better off with a covered run in that small an area them chickens will roam and once there off your place they are fair game for anyone or thing..
WHEW!! Great news! I would keep them in lockdown for about a week. Not as a punishment but as reinforcement as to their home base.
I hate to keep them cooped up...they love to roam our yard. Like I said this was their first big adventure.
Is it something I may have to think about doing, absolutely. Maybe doubling the size of the enclosed area around the actual coop. It'll take work and money but if it means keeping them safe. I just don't want them to be miserable being enclosed. They were free range before we got them and we've free ranged them for the last 3 weeks with no issues. I understand it's the risk I take letting them free range...but I really don't want to see any of them go missing! Last night I was so worried about them.
I understand feeling torn on this issue very well. Mine are free range and return to the coop at night, but I turned them loose to free range only recently, and they are full grown. Apparently the locking them up for a few days does work. I have read that a chicken does not remember more than 3 days ago; have no idea whether this is true.

Since they were free range, I doubt they got lost. I'd bet they simply roosted wherever they were when it began to get dark. Hopefully they can be taught the habit of returning to the coop. Try treats at bedtime.

I used to free range a couple of years ago. Every now and then, one would stay out all night. More often than not, they would be beck in the morning. When I was free ranging during the day and locking the coop at night and this happened, I would find the loner hanging around near the coop in the morning, waiting to get to the feed inside.
Mine free range too but only when I am working around the yard to keep an eye on them. I leave them for an hour or so to run errands but when I get back they get really yummy treats. They dont go far from me because they know there are some yummy
treats when they come running over. I always give them treats too when they go back in their coop. I am always too paranoid with the fox and hawks. There was a fox by my hens at noon time the other day so don't think they are safe from them during the day!
They are out all day! Glad you got your babies back! I am very attached to my girls too!!!!

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