284 birds down... night before a market...

Holy dina. Thats a pile of eggs and chickens. You must have big plans for that market. Is there usually a good turn out or how did you know to load the back of your 1/2 tonne with eggs?
huh... I'll have to try some meat birds this year i guess

Maybe I can make a trip up to cuyahoga sometime.
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Wow, what a lot of work. You all did great! My thoughts are: She may dress like a city girl but considering the knife and dead birds in front of her, she must be a country girl at heart. LOL.
Jeff : It all looks like the operation went smoothly and your #'s are great
, I know it's a ton of work but worth it. The carcasses look very good and uniform, not to mention your cool set up and sanitation methods. I am pulling for you to have a successfull end result with some piles of greenbacks to count
. Once again congrats on a job well done.


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