2nd time around Chicken mom


10 Years
Oct 23, 2009
I got my lovely Buffs at 1 day of age. I keep the in the house with a light until the age of 5 weeks. Coop upgrade all finished so out they went Put them in the coop and pen and later in the night I checked on them and they were all out in the pen not in the coop where I wanted them to be. So I put the link get in the coop and they all went in. How do I get them to go into the coop at night with no light? The Rhode Island Reds I had in the past never had a light and went into their coop at night. Thanks in advance for your help
They may do better with a light on a timer(maybe set for just 20 minutes) so they have time to go back & roost before it's dark. I would just do this for a short time to get them acclimated to the coop. Maybe shorten the time(timer) until it gets down to zero.

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