2x4 Roost - Comfortable?

I have been wondering if it is comfortable as well. I have mine 2" side up but I think they liked the round branch I had before so they could wrap their feet around it.
I have been planning on putting another branch up at some point.
Wow, now I feel like a loser, I didn't even use a baby monitor for my babies.

I think that they can curled toes or something like that from the round roosts, I know I read that somewhere here.
Either way, I do use the flat 4 inch side of a board and mine are fine.
I agree with the poster that said they are probably just shuffling to get comfortable. Mine do the same.
I have watched mine push eachother out of the way to get the seat by the window and knock eachother off the perch.
I have also seen them climb across eachother's backs too.
Its like when you are driving with kids in the car and they all want the best seat.
Have wondered about that too.

I have both total free rangers that sleep in trees and birds in coops with 2 x 4 roosts with the 2" side up.

I have noticed that the free range chickens pick out a branch size to their liking and "settle down", they seem to be snug, comfortable and quiet & still for the night.

Those with the 2x4 seem "okay" however they don't seem to settle as much, I often see them randomly standing and turning around.. not something the free range chickens do.

The really large/heavy chickens do seem more comfortable with sleeping on a large flat surface.. such as a washing machine

Experimented in one pen with a large group of peachicks with two 2 x 4 roosts. One had 2" up and the other was higher but had 4" side up. All of them chose to roost on the 2" side up despite the other being much higher.. peafowl love roosting on the highest perch available so I thought that was pretty interesting..
I think that you will find that if you use a 2x4 with the edges chamfered your birds will like it better. Use the 4" width. They can sit on it much easier and it helps by allowing them to lower over their feet and puff up their feathers. It will allow them to stay warmer in winter.
Yeah, but they all just signed with a big, off center X. The ink was brown and smelled odd, too.

Kev, I don't think I can fit a washing machine in the coop. They'll just have to go down to the river and use rocks!

I had to look up 'chamfer' on Wikepedia! I'll ask DH to try that. All 4 edges, or just the top 2?
ROFL! Had a good long laugh, thank you!

My washer and dryer are on my back patio. It's supposed to be a bird-free zone however some birds just won't stay OFF despite being "broomed" from the patio 123,453,675 times.....
I just replaced the old roosting system of 2" round, bark-covered posts (what I was originally told by a local that the chickens would like) in half our coop with a long 2x4, and the older gals there love it! They can pace back and forth, jockeying for the "best" places. In winter, it'll keep their toes warmer under their fluffy bodies, and I can keep the smooth surfaces clean and/or disinfected easier, if the need arises.
It sure is! Where else would you find so many folks this excited to talk about the most popular chicken roosts, or whatever!

Where in MI, BTW? I grew up there!

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