3-4 week silkie gender


Feb 24, 2023
Any guesses on the gender of this 3.5 week silkie. Everything I’ve read said they’re very hard to gender; however this one is twice the size of its hatch mate. Are males that big of a difference in this breed? I also found the beak theory online. I’m leaning strongly to boy; but holding out hope until he’s older I guess. What do you all think, any chance of a pullet?
Here he is at almost 9 weeks. He sizes up the other rooster and is huge. I know people say they can’t sex silkies until they crow or lay, but is there really any chance this isn’t a boy?! 😄View attachment 3455236
Hmmm, now I'm not so sure. Maybe more pics of the head where the streamers would be and its tail to see if there are any that are giving away the male look. 😊
Overall it looks to be a pullet except for a slight chance of it looking like it might develop streamers but I could be wrong. Just keep us updated!

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