3 boxes, only on in use?


Mar 18, 2015
Prince George, British Columbia
I have 7 hens and 3 nesting boxes. They only use 1 box, there's a line up to get in to it. Boxes are identical in size,shape and material used for construction. I have taken eggs out of the THE BOX and placed them in the other 2 to entice, not a chance. Could I board up THE BOX to force them into the other boxes?
Same with my chickens. They won't use the second nesting box. The other two were sitting on top of each other in there
. Just give them time...
How long have they been laying?

Add some fake eggs/golf balls to one or both of the other 2 nests.
You could block "the" nest to force them to use the others....
.....may cause quite the upset and eggs in other places for awhile, but would be an interesting experiment.

Let us know what you try and how it works out.
Mine do the same if there to many hens (3) in one box then the others will go in to another box but thats just my new layers that will us another box they all prefer one box. We have seven laying and three nesting boxes. We about to have seven more laying so we be adding another three boxes but i am starting to think its pointless if they all use the same dang box anyways lol.
They having been laying eggs for 4 1/2 month. We used golf balls for the first couple of month.
I'd put the fake eggs back in the all nests...it will 'spread the love'...try it and see.
I've never taken the fake eggs out for 2 years now.
Welcome to the world of persnickity poultry! Who knows why they do things....they may see one hen using that nest and decide that it must be the safest spot around. They may be proclaiming, "This is my spot - I found it first!" Who knows?
I had two who wanted the same nest at the same time - Dumb Daphne and Ida. Ida was laying, Daphne was close but hadn't yet. But she'd pace up and down the helper bar yelling at Ida, who was sitting on the nest getting her business done and as soon as Ida would start to come out of the nest Daphne would peck her on the head. It was like an egg laying ritual - Ida would get her head pecked, bob her head and say, "Thank you, Ma'am" and then go on her merry way. When Daphne started laying, she'd use that one nest exclusively. It was like she'd picked it out before she even needed it and that was it! Ida just let her take over that one and moved to another. Silly chickens.

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