3 chickens same symptoms, 2 died.

Oh! I almost forgot....we did have a bout with fowl pox run through my flock, but they are all over it now. No one has had any signs of it at all for a couple of weeks. And I believe that started after my first chicken acted sick.
I know I have to scrub/disinfect everything in the coops, but it's just the ground for a floor....how can I make that cleaner? Shovel out as much of it as I can and add new? I want to switch to sand, but haven't been able to get any here yet.
I"m sorry for your loss.

I agree with @KikisGirls they only way to know for sure the cause would be to send her for necropsy. Hopefully this will give you the answers you need.

For testing of worms and possible Coccidiosis overload, see if your vet can perform testing on some fresh poop samples.

Here is a link to your state lab - they should have specific instructions on how you can prepare the body to be shipped to them. http://www.freshfromflorida.com/Div...on-Animal-Disease-Diagnostic-Laboratory-BADDL
I"m sorry for your loss.

I agree with @KikisGirls they only way to know for sure the cause would be to send her for necropsy. Hopefully this will give you the answers you need.

For testing of worms and possible Coccidiosis overload, see if your vet can perform testing on some fresh poop samples.

Here is a link to your state lab - they should have specific instructions on how you can prepare the body to be shipped to them. http://www.freshfromflorida.com/Div...on-Animal-Disease-Diagnostic-Laboratory-BADDL

Thanks for the link - I'll definitely look into that today.

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