3 day old chick won’t eat or drink by herself


In the Brooder
Aug 8, 2020
Hello all,

Hoping someone has some additional advice, I’ve followed a lot of suggestions in previous posts that have somewhat helped, but running out of ideas.
Just got 6 Rhode Island Reds from a hatchery and 5 looked good and one very lethargic. The other 5 are extremely healthy and active and already bigger on day 3. Little Buttermilk will not eat or drink on her own. She will drink when I dip her beak in the water but not by herself. I have given her egg yolk and starter feed made into mush and she will sometimes eat it while I hold her.
When she in the brooder she just stands there and rarely lays down to sleep. When the other chicks come close she pecks at them. The brooder is right at 95 so know the temp is right, plus the other birds are thriving.
Going into day 4, I know it’s a critical point for her to eat and drink on her own. Any ideas?

You can offer her some scrambled egg (don't use non-stick pans with chicks in the house). Also make sure the brooder has a temperature gradient, 95 on one side and cooler on the other side.

Honestly since you have helped her drink and gotten her to eat special foods it doesn't sound good. She should have rallied by now. There may be something wrong with her that can't be fixed.
Update on this-

I gave her some starter mush and pecked her beak into it and she started eating it on her own! She stood in my lap and starting eating it herself. I put the little dish in the brooder and she started eating (and drinking). Amazing! It’s almost like I had to teach her to eat. Crossing my fingers, but she looks like a different chick already.

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