3 day old not eating


May 3, 2017
This is my first time incubating eggs and BYC has been an incredible resource. I've run into an issue I've not found a previous thread to help me with. I have a 3do that i had to assist hatching after 24+hrs after it pipped (membrane was very dry despite 65 humidity). The first two days the little guy did great, lots of energy and vocalizing. Today he's really slowed down, no eating or drinking and sleeping and goes through the motions of peeping but no sound. Most concerning is his obviously quickened breathing (not panting). He moves in and out of heat lamp but his eyes are mostly closed all the time. How can I get some nutrients into this little bird? Thank you very much!
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That’s a rough one. The chick should have absorbed the yolk and have enough nutrients for three days or more without eating or drinking, to be upfront I’m not real hopeful for that chick, something just seems wrong. Some hatch with something wrong and just aren’t meant to make it. But that does not mean give up and quit.

You need a medicine dropper or something that allows you to put a drop of liquid at the tip of the chick’s beak. You want to be careful to not drown the chick by forcing liquid down its throat. If you put a drop of liquid at the tip of its beak it should swallow it.

For liquid you can get electrolytes or other similar stuff. Feed stores often sell them as chick boosters. You could just dissolve some sugar in water. I’ve used hummingbird liquid. The idea is to get something in the chick to raise its energy level so it feels like eating and drinking. Sugar can do that. Hydrating it with liquid doesn’t hurt either.

Just keep putting drops of the liquid on the tip of its beak until it stops drinking. Then set in in a warm spot. Let it rest, then a half hour or so later try again.

I lose about half the chicks I have to help hatch within a few days. I sure wish you luck with this one. Some do make it.
Thanks Ridgerunner. I'm trying sugar liquid to give it a quick boost which it eats eagerly. I think like you said it had a few good days bc it was still absorbing yolk. Now just to figure out how to transition it to chick feed.

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