3 layer hens (1 Rhode Island Red/2 Plymouth Barred Rocks) need a new home for a year...or more - Bos


7 Years
Jul 4, 2012
My company has asked me to relocate to California for a year, so I'm looking for a new home for my ladies! We all currently reside in Waltham, MA. If I could take them back when I return to the Boston area, all the better, but I am willing to give them up if need be.

The two Barred Rocks are 1 year old; the RI Red is at least 2 years old but I'm not sure exactly how old she is. They are good layers--in spring/summer/fall I get a minimum of 2 eggs a day, usually 3. They're all in great health and winter hardy (I don't heat my coop in the winter). I would be glad to deliver them to your house, and give you all the feed and supplies I have left (layer pellets, pine shavings, oyster shell crumbles)!

Thank you!!
I'll take them..I live in the SW corner of PA. I have 6 acres that currently is home to 6 buff orpingtons, 4 black sexlinks and a dog that loves them!
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We live in Sandown, NH 03873 and my husband works in Woburn, MA. I have a ranch - chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys and 2 Tennessee walker horses.
If you do not have a home, I would take your hens.

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