I keep grit and calcium out for my chickens at all times(baked crushed egg shells and oyster shells)They also have access to their feeders and fresh water 24/7 .Having a coop and run both that are predator proof means I never have to lock them up at night.They also have a low wattage light on a timer that stays on past dark and is back on before daylight
So we have one very large rooster (Unknown Breed), 6 Buff Orpington hens (2 of which are 5+ yrs old), 2 Leghorns who have just started laying, a New Hampshire Red, a Sapphire Splash, and a Barred Rock. The 4 younger Buffs are 3 years old (About to be 4 this spring), the 2 Leghorns are mature enough to lay sizeable eggs, the New Hampshire and Splash are slightly older than the Leghorns by a couple months, and the Barred Rock is slightly older than the previous 2 hens mentioned, all of these are not even a year old. The Barred Rock began laying right around the 6 month mark, and didn't stop until about two weeks ago when the Leghorns both laid on one day. Now only one Leghorn is laying an egg a day, and the rest of the flock hasn't laid any eggs in years! Please help I have tried giving them more food, scratch grain, herbal teas, and we regularly give them table scraps. They have full exposure to sunlight during the day, but it can't be sunlight because they are not laying any better at the summer solstice. I am really struggling to know what is happening because I think I should be getting more than 6 eggs a week with 11 hens!
If your chickens are locked up in a coop without proper ventilation it can cause respiratory illnesses and immune deficiencies. I would increase the air flow above their head and make sure their bedding is clean and dry. Adding heat in the winter can dry nasal passages and wet feathers causing respiratory infections. I would suspect my chickens had an long term undetected illness if they quit laying one by one until none were laying.

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