3 part staggered hatch, Wynette, Speckledhen, scbatz33 eggs new photos

We are on the last leg of this marathon! It is day 18 for the Delawares .... lockdown. There are 26 eggs in the bator, but 2 I believe are quitters. I am so excited, and hope to have a great hatch!

I have to mention, about shipped eggs .... Wynette and Speckledhen both do a fabulous job at packaging. Each egg individually wrapped in bubblewrap, and packed firmly in a box of cushioning. The Lavender Orps eggs were each wrapped in papertowels, and placed in an egg carton. They were firmly in place, and none broken. The carton was placed in a postal box with newspaper cushioning. This box was delivered to my house, not left at the post office for some reason. I worried, thinking they may not make it .... and hatched 15 of 16! Oh my, there are several ways to package successfully, as I am experiencing. Since then, I have read recommendations of different people .... everyone has a difference preference, it seems. I read one person (well, others agreed) insists his/her eggs be packaged in egg cartons, and that was the first time I had ever even heard of it. So, I guess there really is no, "right way," to package eggs. Controversial issue for sure.

Now for the LONG wait til hatch day! This is the time I really sweat and worry that I have done something wrong!


ETA: I had to go back and change the subject line .... Cyn, you are about to become a grandma again!
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Good luck with this next hatch!!!!

I hatched Bargain's eggs, and she packages beautifully too. They made it from GA to CA and not a single one broken or cracked.
BEST of good hatching vibes on the Dellies coming your way, Kathy! They're such a beautiful bird....I've always wanted a few! Hope they all pop out like popcorn.

Regarding packaging eggs, yep - you're right! Everyone's got opinions. I have modified several times how I do it, and have found the individually bubble-wrapped ones do the best; knock wood, I think I've only lost one since doing it that way (and that box was lost in the postal system for a week!). Next time, I'm going to try wrapping in baby diapers! Yep! It'll be more expensive, but I believe the extra cushioning will be worth it. Plus, if for some odd reason some DO get cracked in the mail, I'd think the diaper would absorb the goo, and not contaminate the others.
I just moved all my babies into their new brooder in the garage. 30 babies, so far. Hoping to add 24 more in a few days, if the Delawares do well!
Here is my, "disposable" brooder, 6' x 8'. It is 3' tall. The 2x4 holding the lights is braced on saw horses (nailed in). Then DH secured the light cords to the 2x4 with a plastic do-hickey thing (from electrical stuff?). I have a "hinged," (duck tape) door on the near side, so I can go inside.


Here are some closer shots:




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Today is day 19 for the Delawares. Suddenly I am getting temps of 101.6 and can't keep the humidity stable. I have added water about every 4 hours. When I got up this morning, it was down to 56%. Oh, I so want these to be a good hatch.
OH, goodness.....hatching will give you high blood pressure! Hang in there...surely it'll stabalize soon!

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