3 strikes your out ~My rooster attacks


5 Years
Jul 21, 2014
Aberdeen, WA
My Coop
My Coop
He's DONE! He charged at me at attacked 3 times! The last time all I was doing was sweeping my patio! He broke skin on my hand... Guess who going to be dinner tomorrow night?
Ours are gone too. We had three - and there wasn't any rehabilitating them. We processed 2 of them first, Floyd and Charlie - because the third one was low man and he behaved himself very well he got a reprieve. Well, once too often Speckles bit the hand that fed him. Attacks from the rear are no fun! My grandchildren take care of the chickens when my husband Ken and I have to leave town for a few days and they love doing it. They do a super job, too! I have another granddaughter (who just turned three today, Happy Birthday Kendra!) who couldn't defend herself or even run away if she was faced with him coming at her for any reason. She has Spina Bifida and has been in a wheelchair since she was 9 months old. Let me see - Kendra, Katie and Evan on one hand, and poor, poor Speckles on the other - who wins? Not even a question. I'm retired too, and so is Ken.....but we both agreed that there are no extra chances when it comes to our little ones. We could work and work with aggressive roosters and maybe even be successful, but how do we ever trust them again? What might set them off and bring out those unwanted tendencies that we thought we'd eliminated? I can find roosters on Craig's List or right here on BYC who need homes. I've never found replacement grandchildren listed.
I'd l Iove a house turkey they are such great characters
But think my husband would move out

Anyone selling turkey's ?
Um, my husband is the turkey I was talking about.....
Agree. We've had 3 roosters over the past year that went aggressive when they became mature. 2 bantams and 1 Plymouth Rock. The first time, I told the family he was going to be dinner, my daughter bawled and my son smiled, telling me in a whisper, "Mommy, go get the ax, it's in the garage..." We found another home for him to spare my daughter, but I really wanted to serve him for dinner. Same with the next two. I finally said THATS IT - NO MORE ROOSTERS!!! Which worked for a while, though the kids were disappointed cause they really wanted chicks. WELL... soon after that, the neighbors hens all got eaten by something in the night, so we took on the rooster (only one left) out of pity (our coop/run/location is more secure). He's doing fine (knock on wood) - not a single ounce of aggressiveness (knock on wood) - and we've had him for 2 months (knock on wood). We think he's a black copper marans, but not sure... also have no idea how old he is. Maybe he's glad he has a new flock, that we saved him from the bloodbath, or he's got PTSD... no matter, we're enjoying not being attacked!!!
Re: roosters. Even the best behaved roosters need to be watched, and watched very well. Even when they are well behaved, and mine is... I don't want to let my guard down when he is free ranging. He likes to visit the neighbor, and the neighbor brought his dtr and his grand dtr who is 3 y.o. over to see the rooster today. Never let your guard down where young children and animals are concerned.

Nothing like living on a farm to start "the talk"...

Our previous rooster was so active, I felt like giving out disclaimers to our friends who were coming over with their kids... especially the families from the 'burbs... :)
... and I should've started with - sorry you were attacked. Our Barred Plymouth Rock attacked me, broke the skin on my hand - that was sore for a while. It's jarring when they attack you - I kinda had my feelings hurt - after all, we've worked so hard to give them a good home... Good luck with dealing with the culprit. It's not fun to cull.
Thank you! I'm killing this one before it attacks my kid. She was the same as your son and asked if we could eat him tonight. She was only disappointed that it has to set for a few days lol I don't mind killing them if it's for food!

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