3 week old balance problem

Old Bitty

6 Years
Mar 7, 2013
One of my Golden Sexlinks is showing difference from the other 5 chicks. Such as being smaller, wobbling around, not stretching her neck out to look around & generally sleepy. I have taken her out of the container and worked her legs daily, including stretching her neck out gently, she has shown signs of improvement. Yes, she is slower than the others and I do hold her near me to give her a break from the faster excited birds for an hour or so too.

I've been sprinkling the Diatomaceous Earth on their food (Dumor Chick starter/grower) twice a day and changing the water out 3 to 4 times a day. They get the container changed out every 3 days. I have read so much information about giving the chick vitamins as well as many other additives. I am cautious of putting too many things in my chicks diet.

She's beginning to spunk up day by day. Like I said, slowly but surely. She does cry more than the others and I spy on the bunch together to see if she is in deed being picked on. Not so much that I've seen, but I don't exactly understand the pecking order yet either. I'd love to hear from anyone who's had any issues of this nature and how they managed.

Keeping her going by gentle exercise and tender loving care just might bring her through. I will update later on.

Thanks for all the info being communicated! It's greatly appreciated.

Old Bitty
For weak chicks I give them a drop of Poultry Nutri Drench. It picks them up and encourages them to eat. The runts get pushed away from feeding stations and water by the others. I use Avian Super Pack or Vitamins-Electrolytes "Plus" in the water according to directions. I also use an organic starter-grower ration. Why are you sprinkling diatomaceous earth on their feed?
For weak chicks I give them a drop of Poultry Nutri Drench. It picks them up and encourages them to eat. The runts get pushed away from feeding stations and water by the others. I use Avian Super Pack or Vitamins-Electrolytes "Plus" in the water according to directions. I also use an organic starter-grower ration. Why are you sprinkling diatomaceous earth on their feed?


I read that it kills internal worms. My smallest chick picks at it almost more than the feed. Is it more harmful than good? She is beginning to push her way thru & is eating much better from last week. Any info is helpful to me. Thank you for posting!
I read that it kills internal worms. My smallest chick picks at it almost more than the feed. Is it more harmful than good? She is beginning to push her way thru & is eating much better from last week. Any info is helpful to me. Thank you for posting!

You're welcome. DE has absolutely no nutritional value and does not prevent birds from getting worms. That runt chick you have picking at the DE isn't going to benefit from picking at it rather than feed.
Ok. Perhaps I'll just stay with the plain feed. Thank you for your input. I am going to look at buying the items you recommended earlier. I looked up DE & found that it is even being used to loose weight! Ha! Definitely rethinking this one!
Ok. Perhaps I'll just stay with the plain feed. Thank you for your input. I am going to look at buying the items you recommended earlier. I looked up DE & found that it is even being used to loose weight! Ha! Definitely rethinking this one!

Well just be careful with the amount of Poultry Nutri Drench. Young chicks only need a drop. Give it once a day for a day or two. More than 4-5 days will give them the runs. You don't want that. If you can't find Vitamins Electrolytes "Plus" most feed stores carry the Probios water dispersable that can be used for poultry. That and a good vitamin supplement in the water a few days a week will help. Grow-Gel is also a great supplement for baby chicks. I have hand fed my share of runts with it. Sometimes you have to nurse a few along until they get stronger.
I started the nutri drench this morning. Yes just a drop. Will check tonight for improvement. Vitamins will be added to the water for all of them. I'm glad you told me how long to give the drench to her. I was gonna ask. Thanks Mr. Apple
Hi! The runt is doing better everyday. She's standing up, stretching her neck & feathers too. Running around good. Eating well.

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