3 week old chick adoption.


5 Years
Apr 28, 2014
About 2 weeks ago my wife and I bought two baby chicks from a local feed store. One was already a week old, the other a newborn. I have been keeping them in a brooder. Now just a couple days ago, my buff Orpington has gone broody. Will she adopt 3wk old chicks if I separate her from the rest of the flock?
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I would say the chance are slim to none. It's a lot easier when the chicks are a day old to try and get them to bond with the hen. You'll never really know unless you try though. I can't say I wouldn't give it a shot, but I have an extremely good broody hen that sometimes spoils me.
That's what I am thinking as well. I'll probably finish brooding then myself. Thx

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