Is my chick ok?


Feb 8, 2024
Hey everyone
So I got some chicks on March 22nd, so they are almost 3 weeks old. I also got two chicks on April 7th. I added them to the brooder and the one is doing great, she is chasing the big ones and getting food and water, the other one is getting food and water but she doesn’t really run around like the other one. She was also chirping really loud this morning but now she stopped. I don’t think the big ones hurt her but do you think I should separate her from the rest of the flock?
Hello! Was the little one acting fine before being placed with the older chicks? (It's not usually recommended to mix chicks of different ages, but I've never had a problem with it before )
Hello! Was the little one acting fine before being placed with the older chicks? (It's not usually recommended to mix chicks of different ages, but I've never had a problem with it before )
On the way home she was chirping very loud, she did seem a bit standoff ish. Maybe she’s just a little stressed, because she seems tired. She’s also the bigger of the two so I don’t know why they would pick on the bigger one.
I wonder if it's just lonely. I raised Easter Eggers in my garage last June, and one of them would only stop yelling when I put my hand over her (stimulating Mama Hen) to help her sleep. But I turned mine over to a broody in less than 24 hours, and Lilly took care of them from there.
I would say as long as she is eating and drinking, I would give her a day or so to get used to her new surroundings!
I wonder if it's just lonely. I raised Easter Eggers in my garage last June, and one of them would only stop yelling when I put my hand over her (stimulating Mama Hen) to help her sleep. But I turned mine over to a broody in less than 24 hours, and Lilly took care of them from there.
I would say as long as she is eating and drinking, I would give her a day or so to get used to her new surroundings!
Thank you for replying! I’m new to chickens and I’m still learning. I’ll keep a close eye on her and remove her if she gets worse, but I’m sure she’ll be OK. Thank you again!
I would watch her more closely because the bigger can trample the smaller ones. I have all the same age birds and they trampled one of my bigger birds. I heard her scream and saw the flock stepping on her neck. I think she was down from a vitamin defiency. I separated her and she's still in recovery.

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