3 week old chick sneezing and feet are hot


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 25, 2012
Delaware County, PA
We just bought a 3 week old Barred Rock chick today and on the way home I noticed that her feet were very hot and she kept sneezing. Is this some kind of virus or something? It was 101 degrees outside today so she might just be overheated.
Glad to hear your chick is okay.

When I bring new chicks home or hatch myself, I always start them off with 1ml of polyvisol(without iron) in their waterer and 1/4 tsp of probios in some wet mash. I'll keep this up for the first 2-3 months and my chicks look amazing! It will help if only given a week or two also.

I keep the probios in my freezer otherwise it turns brown. I've never lost a chick, but I've had 2 very close to death.

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