3 week old chick with little red marks on feet


10 Years
Feb 26, 2009
Not sure why but one of my chicks has little cuts on his feet.
I do not see pecking going on and he is the only one.
Anyone know what I might do for his little feet?
He does not seem to be bothered (what does he know!)
and the chicks are not attacking him.
6 healthy chicks with red light and enough brooder room
took them outside yesterday for a couple of hours in tractor
toys, treats, etc.

What do you treat feet with?

You mean little cuts on the tops of his toes? A few of our chicks have had those, though no one really picks on each other – we at first put some human antibiotic ointment on them (either triple antibiotic or bacitracin – we have both, and I'm not sure which we used. I certainly hope it's okay for them – does anyone else use this???). Now I've just been letting them heal on their own.

Hope this is of some help.
I don't think antibiotic ointment would hurt.... it might just be that their feet are dry? atibiotic ointment will help moisturize them, and keep them clean
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