3 Weeks old today. All from Ideal. (Pics)


In the Brooder
11 Years
Feb 5, 2008
Piedmont, SC
The chicks from Ideal are 3 weeks old today. All seem to be thriving on the Nutrena Nature Wise feed.


Here's 15 of the 21. I call the RIR with her neck stretched T-PAIN


2 Black Australorps


How could you not love this face? Little Betty Barred Rock. (I hope its a Betty and not a Bernard)


RIR, Gold Sex Link, Bared Rock, and a Delaware
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What cuties! I kinda like the "awkward" stage, lol! They are so curious, stretching their necks to peer at the camera
I have 5 three week olds right now from hatching some of my eggs. I have an Ideal order that should have shipped out today...10 Polish chicks and 5 ducklings.
How fun they look! I love looking at pictures of chicks that are just a little older than mine. Mine are 2 weeks all from Ideal. I see next week we will hit the really fun awkward ugly stage. I can't wait!
Thanks for the great pictures. It's good to see that the Australorps will catch up in feathering out, right now mine are 2wks and have sporadic feathering, but mostly just uneven fluff.
Here's one that was sleeping on a perch
I might have some brothers or sisters to yours! Mine are from Ideal and are 3 weeks old also. I had one "extra roo" that I had to nurse around Day 9 & 10, but I have had no problems from my 16.




I have to go to the F&S tomorrow or Sat and by them some new shavings. I ususally change it out on Sat or Sunday. They seem to like the Nutrena feed better than the Purina. If they keep this up, they'll be in their new coop in about 3 more weeks.

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