3 year old Black Australorp Rooster with Pale Comb and Swollen Wattles


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 30, 2011
My 3 yo Black Australorp stopped crowing last week and has pale wattles and comb. This morning his right wattle began to swell and now it is completely swollen. His tail feathers are droopy and he isn't active. I tried Wazine in their water yesterday to see if it was worms. My five hens are doing just fine but I have had a huge drop in egg laying, which I had attributed to summertime heat. I am beginning to suspect/fear this isn't due to parasites... They were kept in the coop and run (not free ranging) for four weeks due to us being out of town. I know they were well taken care of and I cleaned the coop before we left.

A pale comb could be the result of worms, or anemia from mite infestation. Some mites only come on at night, so checking his skin closely with a flashlight might be good. Swollen wattles can be a result of an insect or tick bite, infectious coryza, or fowl cholera. Do you see any marks that could have been a sting (or even a peck?) Does he have any eye or nasal drainage, cough or sneeze, or noisy breathing?
Oh man, I have a 3 year old Rooster severely under the weather... After 11 days of of antibiotics (7 with one and 4 days on baytril) his wattles are just starting to go pale. It's as he is fading away. If I didn't do a fecal test I would worm again. I'm at a loss of what to try next....

His abdomen feels swollen and hard... Not sure if its always been that way, because he's lost so much weight... He eats (very little) and drinks almost nothing.

Could my boy have a tumor/cancer ???
I don't want him to suffer.... He has squeezed out a couple of crows, but they were beyond recognizable for him.

He's failing a little more each day..... I don't want to say good bye
. Any help would be greatly appreciated

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