33 Eggs Due to Hatch Oct 25 (Hatch Complete)

Yes, you must spread the delaware-itis across the country. It's up to you to save the breed.

You mean the crummy economy might get you to send me eggs??????
Well at least there's a positive!
I was hoping Februaryish...but who knows when I'll get my outdoor brooder done, so I could hope to get eggs in Februrary but might end up having to say oh no, I'll actually be ready to have those in May.... or actually since I'm begging for those eggs... could you just name your price and send them when your ready?


Yes, you must spread the delaware-itis across the country. It's up to you to save the breed.

You mean the crummy economy might get you to send me eggs??????
Well at least there's a positive!

Well I can do my part of spreading the wealth by showing everyone pictures of the chicks as they grow this winter.I will start a thread and share their growth and the ones I pick to be my flock.
James I can't tell you how much I would enjoy that thread. Going through the process of why you picked each one, or why each one was not a good pick.

It would have to be picture intense of course.

And it will be a loooooong thread, too, since it takes quite awhile to really pick the keepers among the Delawares. For the males, especially, you really have to wait till they are mating the girls and their temperament shows what it will be. I sure hope Isaac throws sons that are as sweet and friendly as he is. That boy has to get his chest rub every morning when I'm cleaning under the roost. Jumps up the rungs of the roost and stands for his session.
You gotta love a rooster like that! I have a big ol' sweet Cuckoo Marans that "tolerates," being held and drooled on! I have a picture of my daughter (19)holding him, but he isn't a Del, so I won't post it here. BUT, one of these days ... it WILL be a Del in the picture!

I love that you are so willing to share your beautiful Dels with us all!
Well, I want others to become hooked on the breed to the point of actually becoming serious breeders--I prefer them not just want brown egg layers because that doesn't expand the breed. And I want them to educate themselves on the standard and try to cull toward accomplishing that. It hardly accomplishes anything if folks cannot get these eggs on occasion. I don't like shipping them, didnt want to start doing that again, and would rather have them picked up here (better hatch rate, no post office trips every week and scrounging for packing materials), but there's no way to get them across the country without doing that occasionally. In addition to that, thank the stupid economy for forcing me to bring in some extra $$$. Still, I don't want to have a scheduled list. I just remember most of the people who have asked about these and will offer them when I can deal with the collecting/storing/shipping aspect of it.

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