33 Eggs Due to Hatch Oct 25 (Hatch Complete)

Ok, in the twenty seconds it took to write that, two of the little darlings just pipped on me, # 4 and # 7.

Now have 4 out of the 8 I expect to hatch pipped. #4, #5, ,#7, and #11. They are still peeping in response to my peeps. Now believe it or not I HAVE to go to bed. I have to show up at the fair tomorrow to feed and check on the goats. Don't know how long I'll be able to hang out there...but I'll have to get there about mid morning.

I'll update you all in the morning, or in the middle of the night if I wake up or have trouble sleeping. No zipping yet.

What is zipping?

It happen after the chick pips (makes a whole in the shell). It then continues to zip, usually after resting from pipping, to makes it's entrance.

Here is a chick starting to zip after it pipped.

Final stages of zipping
Today is Day 20. Can't see any pips yet, but they'll probably do it all at once. I think I was wrong about exactly when I put them in the bator. Was thinking the night of the 4th, but I can't find where I noted that on the calendar, so I may have put them in early on the 5th. Still, today is Day 20; it just didn't start last night, as I was thinking.

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