33 Eggs Due to Hatch Oct 25 (Hatch Complete)

20 is a great number.Now we just have to grow these boogers up! It is going to be a long winter with these active little things keeping me busy.I am looking forward to it.I am going to start a thread showing their development and their antics. I will be coming to North Georgia very soon to pick them up.Look forward to meeting you.
Decided to check on the last chick. We had pipped the shell and saw no head near the aircell, dampened the membrane, taped up the hole and put it back in while trying to decide what to do. Then, since the heart beating had become shallow, we opened it up, and it apparently passed just before we got it out. Truthfully, that is probably a blessing. It did not get in any position to pip and just stayed in too long, continuing to grow (it was HUGE) and so, even if it wanted to, no way it could maneuver inside there. Didn't appear to be anything wrong with it, but looks can be deceiving, as I've found. There was some reason it didn't position itself properly so maybe it wasn't "right" anyway. This is why I never leave eggs in the bator past the middle of Day 22. Very rarely does it turn out well and if it doesn't hatch on time, there is most likely a reason that it shouldn't hatch.

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