3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

And now I smell like a wet dog...

I couldn't take it any longer. I just HAD to candle. We had some fresh snow while I was gone and now we have a warm wind, with a light rain, which melts the snow and leaves a bright shiny puddle on top of all the ice from the last melt, making it smoother than a freshly groom hockey rink. Anyway, it's about 100 yards to the barn, and about 70 of those yards are inside the pasture where my wonderful LGD puppy romps and plays. Wonder pup is, by design, oblivious to the fact that his outer coat is wet and he's a super friendly dog that wants to greet mom and stay real close, just in case he's needed. Actually, wonder-pup is much appreciated cause he is actually heavy enough, at 5.5 months of age, to support me as I slip and slide all the way to the barn. It's like having a fuzzy wet walker

But I digress, I made it to the barn and back again, in my pajamas and parka, without falling down
Now I know some of my eggs are developing, I've confirmed that green eggs are still impossible to see into, and I found 5 fresh ones that I brought in. I tried to look under Goldie, but I didn't feel any eggs, she should still have 4. I'll look more again later when I have help. It was awkward to try and stand over all the chickens on the floor who literally froze as soon as I cut the lights off.

The broody Icelandic is still in broody mode so I took one of the fresh eggs and left it in front of her in the box, I'll go look in an hour or so and see if she's tucked it under her, if not I'll pull it.
Sorry to hear this mclevinson...
Good news about the Icelandics being fertile!! I hope alot of mine make it. I think I set around 25 Icelandic eggs and had one Icelandic go Broody a few days ago.. Hopefully she pulls through too I think she is on 10 eggs.
So far she has only been getting up to eat when I feed. Then shes back on them.
thank you lady! now, i must prepare for MIL's arrival which will be in one hour!!!!!!!!!! talk about stress, i can't take it. my mom goes in tomorrow for stem cell transplant, twin A goes in tuesday for surgery, then it's the beginning of chrismakkah, babies hatching, oh my!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is too early for spirits in my cuppa?

Are you kidding? I'd say spirits in your cuppa mandatory. Called self preservation. And I don't drink.
Bad bator karma must be going around. My turner stuck in full tilt after adding 45 quail eggs the day before. I was taking it out to sit on the counter to transfer the eggs to my hatcher, hubby let the dogs in
...needless to say I salvaged 2 swap eggs out my original 40, one that I really, really wanted and 20 quail eggs. There were a lot of growing chicks in there from the ones that were smashed, I didn't open the rest that were cracked. Now to try to fix the turner as I have another 24+ sitting here to go somewhere that need to be set today. The quail go into lockdown on the 31st, but I have been having early hatches, so
She is a pet quality Sebastopol goose.

Here are my babies:


OH NO! I have been telling everyone I don't want geese, but those are beautiful birds! What are their temperaments like? I just have memories of being chased by my neighbors geese as a kid. Not to say it wasn't entertaining, but it's hard to get anything done!

These geese are SUPER... SUPER friendly. I hatched 2 here and my friend hatched the other 2 a month later. If I would have know how friendly they were I would never have gotten ducks. Only my Muscovy are friendly, the rest hate me.

I can go on and on about the geese...... funny, friendly, snuggley.
also little thieves, pick pockets and all around trouble makers.
They steal shoes off your feet and run away with them for a great game of chase.

They follow me all over and if I am inside they wait on the porch for me. They love my kids and follow them as well. When we go out they wait on the porch in front of the door, guarding it and leaving piles of poop .

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