3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

The Caption That Photo Contest has officially ended. Stay tuned while the judging occurs and the winner will be announced as soon as possible.

The flapper contest has started, don't forget to get your photos of your favorite fowl flapper in.

Here's one of my favorite flappers, a great nurse at my work wearing one of adozengirlz crocheted chicken hats for me. Not my official entry, but just an "in the mood" photo for your breakfast enjoyment.


As always, the calendar photo contest is open. I'm still looking for a mini backpack for my back to school shot.
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and it's off to work.

Oh joy.... no percocet could every help explain the joy I feel the beautiful morn as I get up to go to work.
And just like that, we are off to week two...

So, for those of you keeping track (like any of us are not

This is day 8 so we only have

Lucky 13 eggs, I mean days, left to go....

I hadn't heard of this before.... What all are you looking for? If they sink are they duds?

I've got Marans eggs going, too, and they're most frustrating...cannot tell a thing going on (i.e. veins, eyes) except for yolk floaty shadows.... So I guess I won't do a cull until Day 18 lockdown when I can determine if they're still sloshing in egg whites. But I hadn't ever heard of the water thing. Que?

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