3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

I don't think I could do ducks.
PRE-surgical? Do you have to take them in for preliminary bloodwork and medical history? Wow you must really love them for that price though. Do they carry the gene for golden eggs?
Yes. Should be all dark except for a light air cell at the top (blunt end) of the egg.


I could not see an air cell, its that just my inexperience in candling? Ot lack of a really bright flashlight?

Probably the later. I shine mine right on the very top as the aircell allows the light to refract inside the egg which lets me see more. In white or light eggs I can usually see the little feet pressed up against the shell
In the green or brown eggs, shich are typically very hard to see through, I just see alight area and dark area. I have to watch closely to detect any movement. I've gotten some of my best candling lights at the hardware store or the auto parts store. I usually find them for $5 or less, on the gumracks or displays at the counter. I get the ones that have lenses no bigger than a quarter, that way they sit flush against the big end of the egg without letting any light escape around the edges. I don't even lift the eggs out of the turner to candle. Just move down the row touching the light to the top, marking questionable ones with a pencil as needed. Less chance of dropping them that way

I'm getting sooooo excited to see what's gonna pop out on Sunday. These were all just mixed eggs from the general population to increase my egg layer flock.

Even with most really dark eggs, you should still be able to see an air cell. I changed the batteries in my flashlight and I could see much better into the darker eggs.

Yep brown, one of the darkest brown ones you sent. It's dwarfing all those bantam eggs.
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Mahonri: is this de-crowing the key to keeping your Roos? Then worth every penny. I hope it goes well, and I hope your health is looking up too.

Superchemicalgirl: What if the air cell is at the smaller -and subsequently lower end? I thought if they didn't smell, and weren't clear, then come lockdown I would lay them on their side and let them sort themselves out. BTW. Thank you for adding me to the map

Pulled 12 clears last night, have 32 left.
Holy cow! They can do that? How much did they charge you?

ETA: just saw the price...steep, but not totally unrealistic.
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I came home and my butt-expensive Brinsea incubator was at 89 DEGREES!!! I get no response when I turn the temperature dial.

Mahonri- this is the bator your eggs were in. I have NO IDEA how long it has been cold, so I stuck all the eggs in Sommer's incubator (tetris-style) and am waiting for it to warm up.

I can wait for them to warm up, and candle tonight, or I can just leave them be and see how they do come NYD. These ones should hatch a day or two early, so if we have nothing by NYD, we can say they croaked.
They'll probably pip and zip on the small end. Might have a harder time getting out. Did you incubate with the big end up? I did candle and saw that I have a very small air cell on the small end of the eggs, but a large air cell on the blunt end of the egg. I could see it clearly in all my colors: light brown, white, and olive.

For those of you playing along at home:



I pulled one egg, the one that I cracked and tried to wax with pine tree scented wax. It was a no-go, I killed the chick with the crack or the wax, not sure - but it was worth a shot. Down to 17 eggs in my bator. Would have had 19 had I not been stupid, twice.

And I'm back up to 5 ducks. Anyone want 2 ducklings?

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