3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

I just put 12 eggs in lockdown; 9 local eggs (EE x ?) and 3 shipped eggs. Thank heavens a kind local woman shared eggs with me! I'm trying so hard not to get my hopes up too high, but it's tough!

Good luck everyone!

I was removing the eggs from the turner so I could lock them down....

I totally smashed an egg when the turner fell on it.
The chick is still alive but the egg is useless. I went ahead and put the chick back in the 'bator and threw away the shell fragments.

Prayer time here people! Please pray this little chick somehow lives. The yolk hadn't even begun to be absorbed so the odds are againest this little one.

man, I just feel sick.
Fingers crossed for chickie!

ETA: Something similar happend to me last year. My toddler removed the eggs from the bator and put them on the kitchen counter. A few rolled off and the dogs ate some. Of the other smashed eggs, I wrapped them in wet paper towels and put them back in the incubator.

I don't remember if I had any survivors, but you gotta give a chick a chance!
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