3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Cielo, my first chick this time around hatched a full day before any of the others. It's hard to be patient with so many over achievers out there but just hang in there. I also didn't get my brooder set up and warmed until I had 4 chicks hatch. They are in a brand new over sized clear plastic tub.

Good luck on the rest of your hatch.
My black silkie has been 1/2 zipped for at least 10 hours. It's still alive..... to help or not to help? I've had at least 4 hatch since that one started to zip. It will be time to open the bator to get more dried babies soon....... This is the hard part for me. That's why it's better if I just leave home and come back to a bator full of happy babies.

Any advice is most welcome right about now. My humidity is between 62-65% and temp is right about 100f.

Thank you,

Well in a situation like that (and i'm a dirty rotten no good meddler because i cant seem to help myself) i'd take the egg out of the bator for a moment and smell the zip. if the zip smells like soy sauce (i'm not kidding. soy sauce.) then the chick is probably done developing and needs help. i'm probably the worst person to give advice though. i helped one of mine last night who had been stuck like that. got her out perfectly fine. i'd say help, but then again im a dirty rotten no good meddler.
Soy sauce? Odd, I help mine all the time. Pull a piece of shell off of the other side and pok the white skin lik stuff, y'know the stuff btwn the chick and the uoteregg shell. If it bleeds, the chick isn't developed evough. Leave it for an hour if it bleedsand then try again. I haven't lost a single chick since I started doing this. If u help and the egg bleeds, your chick hasn't absorbed the yolk fully. I always wait an hour or so. Worst case scenario is I wait too long and thechick dies...
Congrats! I only set nine eggs...all I had so I didn't post on here last night that I had chicks out..but I didn't check before I went to bed at 2! but I had a surprise this morning! Seven eggs hatched out of the nine! Ok I have a split hatch going on and didn't mark the eggs so I had to candle them at lock down and miss one!
So seven out of nine! But I wish I had those NN! I love them...I only have 2 hens...one has a huge bow tie...Congrats!
I'm a total meddler myself but I told myself to leave them alone this time. I'm afraid I've maybe opened the bator too many times or gotten involved too early in past hatches. I wish I could smell soy sauce, I lost my smell over 15 years ago when my horse and I got run over by a car. The horse faired better than I did. I'm ok now, just have almost zero sense of smell.

On a happier note, my first Bargain BBS Marans chick just hatched. It looks like a big monster compared to all the little silkies in there. A second Marans is zipping away and I'm sure the rest will soon follow.

Thank you, I might have to have DH take a sniff.
Local time. So everybody has to wait until we Left Coasters get to the Magic Moment.

And there's also the Easter Hatch to look forward to, with probably most of the same participants.

Easter? Who's waiting for Easter?!? We have Valentines day right around the corner!!!

Valentines day is coming up.

Now stop posting so I can catch up.

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