3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

I just realized I'll be at FEMA training in Maryland, so DH will have to set the eggs for me. Be kind to him my friends.

as I am typing this
DH: Are you telling them I said we need to double our hen supply?
ME: I just said: and I read him what is written above
DH: We only have 20 chickens, what's wrong with us?

Did I mention I LOVE this man?
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We need to fix this (having only 20 chickens)!

Seriously! He was just pointing out we HAD over 50, how did the number get so low

I sold some
Put some in the freezer





It looks like I'll just be hatching my own eggs unless someone wants to sell me some English Orps- I'd be delighted with some Lemon Cuckoos for a color project I have in mind...

I can't settle in on an auction and the one I bid on got outbid.

I'll be throwing in B/B/S Orps, Porcelain Orp project, Partridge Chanteclers, South American composites, Silkied and Red Pyle Ameraucanas, and Silkies. Maybe the hens with the Chocolate Orp roo will have begun to lay by then.


If anyone needs eggs for the hatch, I can send some.

Disclosure: I had my blue rocks kenneled up this past fall, and sold alot. Hatch rates were fabulous. That being said, they are now turned out to free range, and my big blue rooster is out there with about 60 girls. Now he's good, but Im sure he's not THAT good. If anyone wants to try some of these, with absolutely no guarantee of any fertility, you're welcome to them for shipping ($16.00). I know he's been breeding a lot of them, but I can't pick out which ones. PM me if you're game. I can probably send a dozen on Monday, Tues, and Wed.
It appears I won't be getting the eggs I was expecting
the hens quit laying a little while back and I was informed yesterday
so I may be just spectating
unless someone knows where I can get some last minute eggs?
Yes, I just put up a beggar's post on a thread for some eggs I'd like to get...I'm going to PM one person here who has something I'd like, and then I'm just going to settle in with what my birds lay over the next week. I'm supposed to have some eggs coming from Julie Gabbard, but we're about a month off, now, so who knows?

Last year I set a billion and this year I'll likely only set 2 incubators, no tetris. It was a rough summer and I lost a lot of birds due to a caretaker's negligence, so I'm out a bunch that would be laying right now. I don't dwell on it often, but right now it smarts.

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