3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

My Polish are butt heads like that too. They lay for 2 weeks then drop down to every other day, then stop. I have not had a egg from the since the week of Sept. 20th. They are taking a long molt.
I know because I set the last 3 eggs they laid.

I have not shut my incubator down since I got it at all
in March.
I WILL shut it down for a bit after this New Years hatch.

Unless the Polish start laying

... or until the Easter hatch?

I'm already scheming what to hatch for that.

Looks like I will have something to be thankful for (besides my large thighs) on thanksgiving. I will be meeting someone to pick up duck eggs on thanksgiving day. It's been a week since I lost anything and I'm feeling cocky. Besides... If they're not fertile ill know in time for the set for this and will be able to have more room in the Bator. And Mr roo was amorous today with more ladies.
i'm beginning to regret hanging the lights since the roos now crow at 1:00am in stead of 7:00am. Apparently they are confused about what "dawn" actually is!

I've also been bad. Yesterday I went and picked up 9 coturnix hens and 2 pairs of bobwhites. I know, I know... But I may have some more quail eggs to set for the hatch.
I am addicted enough to hatching that I just today completed a hatch and go into lockdown again in the morning. Someone help me! More due to lockdown on Thanksgiving. Clearly I will not be giving thanks for my sanity because it has gone out the window. During dinner I was silently drawing plans up in my head for the new grow out pen I would build to house all these chicks in the winter.

Good news 4 out of 4 polish chicks hatched, and this weekend we should be able to get the last four runs we have planned built (that will make a total of 13 runs and in all likelyhood will not be enough. *sigh*)
I turned on the incubator for Mahonri's eggies. I suspect he'll be over tonight to drop them off.
I guess I'm joining the ranks of "I'm addicted too" because I had to set up another incubator for hatching. My incubator is full of staggered hatch eggs and the rest of my girls are all starting to lay and it's hard for me to put those perfectly good and probably fertile eggs in the fridge.
But I love it!
You're so right.

My first broody (which I had to let hatch out) did it in the middle of winter. The water in the coop would freeze almost as soon as I put it in. Plus it got so dark early by the time I got home from work everyone was in bed. I had to come out there with a big lantern and fresh water and make sure the chicks drank twice a day.

Then all spring and summer I had almost a quarter of my flock broody at once. It was so frustrating. All my nesting boxes were taken almost and the other girls started laying on the floor because there was no room at the inn.

This spring I got wacky and let 4 broodies hatch at once. What a nightmare. After a few days I gave all the chicks to one mom. I felt bad but wow... that was bad news.

I can't believe I want more of that madness.

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