3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Ohhhhhh...TONS OF GOOD LUCK COMING TO YOU!!!!!!! I tried incubating 7 Emu eggs a couple years ago for my neighbor. Sadly none of them hatched as her female was very sick and she didn't know it, but it must have passed onto the eggs and even more sadly the female passed away. My neighbor is now patiently waiting for her new female to mature.....gosh and we thought 6 mos. was a long time to wait for chicken eggs.

How many did you set?
So the tracking number says the eggs left Kansas City to come to Phoenix last night. We'll see. So that means tomorrow at the earliest.
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Call your post office. If you have a tracking number they can usually see where they are being sorted through. When I have had live birds shipped they have always been able to track them and have them held at the sorting facility for me to pick up (an hour and a half away) rather than waiting another day until they are delivered to my PO.
my white ameraucana hen look exactly like the avatar pick
but my 3 year old niece let her out of the coop
and the dog ate her the eggs were sky blue
really nice i had bought them from sandspoultry
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my white ameraucana hen look exactly like the avatar pick
but my 3 year old niece let her out of the coop
and the dog ate her i was going to buy
a hummer power wheels for my niece for
Christmas but change my mind
i am only going to buy her an outfit so she
remembers to never open a coop again

That's awful. Sorry for your loss. I just love my white Ameraucanas. They were my first ones and what got me hooked on the breed.
*sigh* long day today.

The DH called me while I was driving the long commute home. Apparently the Kindergartener teacher mentioned my son needed new shoes---yeah, no kidding, but who has time to shop?

Me apparently. THe DH was embarassed the teacher thought we were poor, so I had to stop on the way home.

Rather than buying 3 walmart pairs, I went to Ross and got 3 pairs of various name brands. We'll see which one lasts the longest.
still no eggs. BUT, I have a broody!

So, if they come tomorrow, I'll let Laree incubate. If they don't come till Saturday, I'll stick them all under the broody.

Guess we wait and watch... they are suppose to call me when they arrive in Phoenix for me to pick up.
And only 3 more days to sign up if you want to be part of the designer, lovable egg swap.

Mahonri, may the broodiness spread all across the US!

I think the boyfriend is going to build me another brooder box! He was alluding to it tonight at dinner.


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