3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Even though my Wellie pullet is in the mixed pen, she layed her first egg Friday and it went in the incubator. I checked the second for a bull's eye and it was there. She is laying every other evening. My Gold Laced Polish pair, in a pen by themselves, laid her first egg Sunday and the second Monday. The first is in the incubator. The second is in a turner awaiting more eggs to go in the incubator with. Now I need to build more pens. I'm also going to look at a pair of bantam Black Langshans at the Eastern Iowa Poultry show this weekend. The price is right. My LF Black Langshan trio comes to me December 1. They are a few weeks from laying. They are from show stock as are the bantams. I may also look at a pair of Bantam Speckled Sussex at the show this weekend. Money is TIGHT but I've been looking for these since May and I don't know when the opportunity will come up again.
I almost WISH the husband would put his foot down! I can't even imagine what that would actually be like. Oh wait......he said no to emus. But after I saw one poop, I didnt want one anymore either.

Currently waiting for the PO to call and say my birds are here

Here's the grow out pen I started Sunday and finished up yesterday and a picture of my coops too~



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That looks really nice!!
I would like to have that set-up if I live in a warmer place, but no I live in MI, which means we get snow, so I am building this coop to make it easier to care for my flocks in the winter-

I would not trade where I live for any place in the world.
so really what do i do

I apologize... are you talking about this question:
How many eggs will hatch, total? * (I am not sure when we will stop counting yet...)

If so, it's a contest. It's like the question at the fair of how many marbles are in the jar? How many total chicks will hatch out of all those who participate (responses have to be in by a certain cut off date (ie 3 days after "due date")).

Hope that makes sense.

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