3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

I recently had 7 roos of age with 39 hens... there was not any fighting amongst the roos. There was occasional chasing around, but no more than the hens do to each other.

6 to 12 inches of snow predicted for us tonight into tomorrow afternoon. Uggh.

... and 2 more days til I get my duck eggs (which will be hatching before New Years, but what can one do?)
No problem.
No, they were not all raised together. These are of different ages. Actually, 7 of the boys came to me as 4-6 month old birds. The "trick," to keeping them together is when they are penned. I choose a coop-pen that none of them is familiar with, and move them all at the same time. It is a new home to all of them. I can not add more, or even take one out for awhile and return him, or they would all totally bully him (likely kill him).
I do the same thing with my roos. When they get overwhelming in the flock I throw all the ones destined for freezer camp into a pen with no hens. I sometimes have to remove one if he's getting bullied to bad. I also have a "bachelor" coop where the outcast roosters of the flock go at night. That population changes on its own, though recently my remaining SLW roo brought home some lady friends and that caused issues :roll eyes:
Good morning everyone. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. We have been lucky enough to be invited to a friends to spend the holiday with them. They've become like family since we've lived here. I'm in charge of desert. Yay!!! Let the baking begin!
i was going to pick up some fertile eggs this weekend but i guess i could put it off to join the game. it will be my first time incubating and i'm nervous but this sounds fun. when is the last day to join?
*edited to add* laree your dust bunny is beautiful. i wasnt interested in silkies or anything smallish like that but looking at him over and over again is probably going to change my mind. even dh is impressed.
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How did I miss this thread till now??? Hello NY hatch, I'm in!

Did I see people hoping for broodies? Well come to my place and pick one up! Collecting eggs this morning I found I suddenly have 6 - 7 of them!

Some are on hidden nests too so tonight I get to sneak out and candle and see what's developing.

At the rate broodyness is spreading through my flock I'm sure I'll have a broody available for the hatch... but I'm not sure I'll have any layers left!
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I thought this sounded good! Here is a turkey recipe that also includes the use of popcorn as a stuffing ingredient -- imagine that. When I found this recipe, I thought it was perfect for people like me, who just are not sure how to tell when turkey is thoroughly cooked, but not dried out.
Give this a try.

1 - 15 lb. turkey
1 cup melted butter
1 cup stuffing (Pepperidge Farm is Good)
1 cup un-popped popcorn (ORVILLE REDENBACHER'S LOW FAT IS BEST)
Salt/pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Brush turkey well with melted butter, salt,and pepper.
Fill cavity with stuffing and the un-popped popcorn. Place turkey in baking pan making sure the neck end is toward the front of the oven, not the back.
After about 4 hours listen for the popping sounds.

When the turkey's butt blows the oven door open and the bird flies across the room,.... it's done.

And, you thought I didn't know how to cook...
Somehow this seems like beer should be envolved.

I have no idea what I'm hatching yet, but I'm trying to figure out maybe a spotlight and timer out back. Hope something works out with at least a few of my birds. Just a few left moulting now.

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