3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Can't panic over my incubator, just got called into work.


That's probably a good thing though. I can use the OT.
Don't you guys think that 16 pages is a little obsessive in less than 24 hours!

In fact, as I was catching up 2 whole pages sprung up and I had to keep reading!
I'm at the library now, but dad just called me to tell me there is a mysterious package on my parch!

Bet you can't guess what's in that!
Well it happened!! The eggs are here!! Got em sitting now. No turning? Or turning? Arrrg! The Americanas I picked up today have also been refrigerated, so my eggs are either exposed to the USPS, or have been refrigerated. But I FEEL. Lucky so I am going to enter my guesses now.... Fasten my seatbelt and prepare to ride the crazy train. Oh, am I supposed to put myself on the map? Because I don't really have a problem -there aren't even any chicks in my bathtub..... yet.
I got my first blue egg today, just about had a heart attack...should I crack and hope for another tomorrow...nope...think I will toss it in and hope...little guy has been doing a good job
now to go count eggs, minus the ones I have to ship on Monday....God or man-guy help me find a place to put these (he now asks are these eating eggs or not, and says go bid on those eggs...)
OK, I am an idiot!
I went down an put the blankets on it, and then..I said to my crazy, forgetful self. Hmmmm, I wonder if I mess with the thermostat.......

So it is NOW holding at 99.7-100.9. And yes, the blankets are still on it.

Did I mention that life has been a little crazy lately?
Well there is your starting point. More birds will be happy with that choice, and your Wellie roo is more happy with all the extra girls.

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