3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

You can go to the first post in this thread for a form to fill out for your eggs, guess on how many everyone sets total, though I did read that one needed to be done yesterday, and another guess on how many total hatch for everyone! Still waiting on the pot of eggs...wrapped in bubblewrap....
Go to the very first post...

Got home from church at 12:45 and immediatly plugged in the incubator. It took a while to get up to the right temperture, and I had to adjust it a tad, probably cuz the house was a bit hotter in September than now.

Love all the caption humour!!
Post # 1 has the spreed sheet link.

Also spots to put in the total eggs you think were set & will hatch. For contests. I think the deadline for the # set was yesterday, but the # that will hatch contest is till open.
Go here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...mkey=dE14Y2tiLUMxNUZITjFSSU9xYlI1dHc6MQ#gid=0 to fill out the form. It's also a contest and asks you to fill out the total # of eggs you think everyone will set and out of those the total # of eggs you think will hatch.

Is there a place where I can amend my # of eggs set? I got 2 more silkie eggs today and added those to my # of eggs set.

Gotta ask Laree to clear your name so you can amend it.
So how do we update the number of eggs we set? I have more than doubled what I put in early in the game.

58 Iowa Blues
2 EE
12 Mystery swap
72 total
Really REALLY tried for another Silkie egg or two... But to no avail. I did get ONE more Barred Holland Egg to add to the mix after this pic was taken, but it sat outside in 20 degrees for quite some time today.


We've been extremely lucky when it comes to predators, unfortunately we lost 2 hens and our one and only chick last night. My heart is so heavy, my broody hen is beside herself without her chick, she's been clucking for him all day. Both my broody hen and rooster show signs of being in the tustle. Whatever it was (racoon we suppose) never got into the run, must have just reached through the fencing. I just hope at least one of my Barred Hollands hatch, they are such sweeties. I can't understand why in the world my girls were so close to the fencing with a predator close by, it just doesn't make sense. DH got some live traps this afternoon and everyone is locked up tight in the coop tonight.
Here's my first entry for the holiday calendar contest. It's for December.

These little ones kept nodding off........Apparently it's hard work being cute & cuddly all the time.


Here they are.....sleeping.


Have a Very Silkie Christmas and a Show Girl New Year!
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