3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

DW had our 7th (a girl) when she was 43. After 6 boys, she was overjoyed.

Glad to see you here Dar!
I hope you're taking care of yourself!!!!
After work I kinda crashed...

... so grateful for all of your FAITH and PRAYERS! I know that they worked.

I still feel a bit like I got punched in the chest... guess I kinda did... but anyway, I survived the day. BP is down, heart rate is back down to 58. I walked about a quarter mile this morning until the knee was hurting sufficiently. (My version of rehab)

Gracias a Dios I only work from 7 to 1:30 tomorrow and then I'm off until Tuesday morning. I'm hoping I can START doing some Christmas shopping tomorrow afternoon.

DS#1 leaves Utah tomorrow morning with a friend to come home. The entire family with the exception of our missionary in Hungary will be here for Christmas. I'll love that.
DW had our 7th (a girl) when she was 43. After 6 boys, she was overjoyed.

We are so happy to have a girl after all these boys. Its a great note to end on. Of course now we have to find a house before baby comes and buy a passenger van to fit this new addition.
Like several others, I had bad news when I candled tonight. Not my NYD eggs but all the others that I've purchased since then. I found no signs of life in nearly 4 dozen eggs. I'm not giving up yet but there were a lot of broken air cells and porous eggs. I've never had a zero hatch rate before, it's pretty sad.

On the other hand, my NYD eggs are doing pretty good. My Kelar silkie eggs look great. I pulled 5 out of 24. My Bargain Marans eggs are really dark but I was able to see into a few and they look good. I'm using an LED mini flashlight for candling.

I guess I won't be over run with chicks anytime soon. That's probably for the best. We just ordered a new 4 shelf cabinet incubator so I'll have plenty of room for more eggs.
12 shipped RIR eggs + 1 ECO20 - 3 clears - 1 blood ring = 8 that look to be developing!
I have had good luck with shipped eggs this season.

Sorry to hear about those who have been having incubator, health and infertile egg trouble. Best wishes!
For those who need a good candler - I use the Coleman Max flashlight - was rather pricey at I think $25 from walmart, but it can see through pretty much anything.
Double checked all my clears this morning, still all clear. Did not recandle the 'good eggs' as they are haphazardly arranged in the brinsea. I'll do those day 18 unless I see a weeper. Tossed all my clears (there's no chance any of my pulls are viable) so I have 25 eggs out of 45. Not great, but better than nothing. Now let's see what hatches.

Was tempted to order some turken babies from Nava to brood with these chicks as I'll have a 50 chick ecoglow from Santa, but concerned about shipping in January. It's been unseasonably warm here (46 right now) but probably will be in the 30's on NYD.

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