3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Okay, feed the animals first.........but then we want pics!!
First the Icee of yours, then the Mahonri Swedish and Marans................please
Holy crap I have one that has already pipped! I set a day early, and I knew silkies hatched early, but dang! I can't believe I had one pip early after loosing power to the bator twice!

Question the membrane looks a bit dry and the humidity was at 55% I added some stuff to bump it up a bit, but anything else I should do?
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A chick may have just pipped in the wrong place causing the oozing - I've had it happen. SOmetimes they are ok sometimes not.

Thanks. Makes me want to open it up and see what is going on. But I WON'T!
My Icee


SF and ICelandic (both Mahonri's) still working their way out.

The current bator-FAIL survivors of Mahonri's eggies

The two triage chicks
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All rightee.... Time to sit on my hands as lockdown has begun! (I'm sure the eggs are happy not to have the bright flash of candling regularly interrupt their solitude)
Of the original 32, at lockdown 20 are goers with nice air cells and veining...albeit a few look kinda soupy to me with extra egg white, but there's movement within, so they get to stick it out in the sauna.


I've had good results with this setup before.

I use carved up egg cartons (sides shaved down, air holes cut in the bottom of the egg cups) as it does keep things tidy in the bator -- hatches can look like such carnage -- and it's fun to watch the zipping from above. Too, the eggs don't get knocked around by active chicks, so I think it makes it easier on later hatchers to maintain their equilibrium and position for hatching in their shells. My questionable eggs or those that seemed less developed are relegated to the back row and the "lookin' good!" eggs get the first row of the cartons to have first dibs and easy access to the floor, which they usually fall out of the shell onto.

My Marans eggs are all relegated to one carton because they look like they may be slower to hatch... I think the Salmon Faverolles will be the first ones out and they -- and their carton -- can be easily slipped out if the discrepancy is too vast.

I have a dedicated space in my hatch mat positioned just right so that I can fill the humidity channels from above through one of the air vents (red plugs) in my LG. This is done either via a squirt bottle or with a squirt bottle fitted with a straw if I want precision.

This IS exciting! All that's missing is the cheeps, pips, chips, zips and clunky feet of new-hatched stumbling chicks.
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Chick Cuteness!!

Thanks for the pics Laree!! Your Icee looks like a boy..............

Great job on saving the chicks from the bator-failure!
If it hatched first, of COURSE it is a boy.

Did you SEE the waddles on that dude?
Well, of my rescued muscovy clutch of 8 eggs I fear two are demises (float test was butt still). 2 have PIP'd externally, and the one with a crack that I noticed too late to seal is a kickin still. Oddy, this is my first real try at hatching in egg cartons and I only have 6 slots....and it's those 6 that have made it to lockdown (the 2 laying flat are the ones that I think re dead) Yay little duckies...hope to meet you tomorrow!

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