3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

SCG, GORGEOUS! I showed them to my DH and he said that just makes the rest of the guys look bad. I take it he doesn't want to build me brooder boxes
Congrats on your 8 chicks. I'm still at 1 out but have about 6-7 pipped, 1 zipping away. The first one out is being very encouraging to it's pip mates.
My son woke me up at 3:30 to tell me I had a chick!
Then when I got up at 6:30, I had two!
No new pips, but at least if this is all that hatches, I won't have a lonely only!
Both my mutt banties, shipped eggies not doing anything, but better than nothing.
@lotsapaints I have 2 NH out

@Hot2Pot A Light Sussex is out.

@ Everybody This is the best hatch rate I have had since the beginning of October.
Thank you, I do love them. I brooded the first time in cardboard boxes, which I didn't enjoy too much. Without a top the birds quickly learned to fly out and poop on the floor. I like that these have tops and are durable.

We've toyed with the idea of building these to try to sell at the spring/summer swaps, but I just don't know if there's a market for something like this or if it would be worth our time. He also has built broody boxes:

I've got 9 pips. one has begun to zip (i think) but its zipping vertically, like, instead of going around the egg, it is going up toward the tip. and the other egg that pipped last night hasnt made any more progress and the white membrane has a little bit of brown forming, i added some scalding water (i have the blister to prove it) and that jumped the humidity from 55 to 69, but im worried about his lack of progress. any ideas?
It is beyond exciting! I know how I'm spending my day today. I've had a cold for the last two weeks and finally went to the doctor on Thursday. Apparently I now have both a sinus infection and double ear infection. I think this gives me a great excuse for just sitting around today with my nose pressed to the incubator window.

You should have seen me (well maybe not) in the middle of the night, wearing a nightgown, the vent plug pulled from the incubator and my ear firmly pressed to the hole to listen for chirps!

Thank you, I do love them. I brooded the first time in cardboard boxes, which I didn't enjoy too much. Without a top the birds quickly learned to fly out and poop on the floor. I like that these have tops and are durable.

We've toyed with the idea of building these to try to sell at the spring/summer swaps, but I just don't know if there's a market for something like this or if it would be worth our time. He also has built broody boxes:


SCG, This is a wonderful design for a broody box. A sitting hen would have privacy with room to get off the nest and "do her business" and eat/drink. It has enough room for the mom and chicks while they get bonded and big enough to join the flock. Great design. Can you post a pic with the top open?

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