3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Uuggghhh, I'd rather be in bed.... but the boys want to stay up till midnight. sigh
Thank goodness the eggs are entertaining me.

Looks like a silkie cross, crossed with a black sex link roo just hatched. So I have 3 chicks out and many pips to go. One pipped in the middle of the egg, drew blood and hasn't shown much interest in hatching since, and that was hours ago. Have a bad feeling on that chick. Win some, lose some.

Unless I have something zipping at midnight, I'm going to bed.

Wishing you all a wonderful New Year!!

and easy to clean incubators!

edited cuz i'm way to tired to be posting about crosses.
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Darn! A Faverolles chick that zipped decided not to rest and just shoved out. I have one other NYD Hatch Contest prospect SF that has a large hunk o' shell it has chipped off, but no real zippage yet and one that just pipped (I saw it!!!). The Marans, alas, pipped ages ago and are just lollygagging...

Hope I'm not up all night with this.

DH is opening the champagne.... 15 minutes to go!
I'm right there with you. I had a Marans pip early today but nothing since. There were 10 Marans that made it to lockdown and I have high hopes..... they are just not quite ready yet I guess.
Just back from the barn and I have 5 out. We went out to do a little fireworks shopping, then stopped for dinner and the new Sherlock homes movie. Now I'm in the hot tub waiting to watch the display DH and DS have planned for me

If any hatch at midnight they'll be doing it without me, It's -9*F and I'm NOT going out there again till morning.

Happy New Year!!!
Las Vegas puts on a super display every year from the Strip....which we watch from the quiet and comfort of our back porch up valley. Don't want to be out tonight as it's Amateur Night for boozers that have been working on it all weekend.

We are half-way zipped now!


C'mon Chickee! Make Mama proud!
I'm going to call it a night. My little black silkie just didn't want to show. There are 2 in the bator still talking up a storm but I'm tired.

Best of luck to you all!

There was much coaching (via people peeps and tapping the bator plastic with a fingernail to mimic pecking) and cheering! "Go! Go! Don't stop now! Go!" He kicked free and then 30 seconds later he launched into the crowd (who wondered what all the noise was about). Happy 2012!!!





And now we're all going to bed.

Happy New Year, Everybody!
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