3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

I was just pondering, but for me, shipped eggs take 3 or 4 days, and don't we have to set them on Tues the 24th? People usually mail on Mon or Tues, so my eggs would maybe get here on Thurs or Friday, 2 or 3 days too late (or else 3 or 4 days too early if mailed the week before.) Or is it OK to ship eggs on Friday or Saturday? I don't know if/where the eggs sit on Sunday, but I've heard people say that they keep moving, and other people say it is not good to ship over the weekend. Any opinions here?

The mail moves 24/7. Even chicks are sent by hatcheries to arrive on Sunday from time to time. When live animals arrive at the postal plant on Sunday, they will call if there is a phone number on the box. It's funny, some people won't make the drive to pick them up.
Jim is asking that all swap eggs be shipped by the 21st to arrive on time. I have 2 really nice egg orders coming for the V'day hatch, in addition to signing up for the January swap (X2).

Oh yeah, did I say I am all in on the Valentines Day Hatch????

Good to know that the mail moves over the weekends too. Hmmmm, now I will have to really decide and get on the ball if I want to do the valentine's day hatch!!!
Of course you can have whatever eggs you want, Afterall, these were all yours...
Broody Icelandic has 7 out of 10 hatched and doing well.. Can't wait to snap a pic of them to share.
OMG! I left for work at 5 a.m. when there were six chicks in the brooder and three chicks just hatched in the same incubator from whence came the first six. I CAME HOME TO CHICKS IN ALL THREE 'BATORS!!!

They are STILL hatching!!! There were more than six in one of the other two incubators and four in the third 'bator. And the original unit had SIX more chicks, not three!!
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So what breeds are popping?

Buff Orps, Black Australorps, one EE from a green egg, SLW, some unmarked eggs. A chocolate little one, a fluffy greyish one, a lighter yeller one than the BOs.... and one of the BOs first hatched is already in charge of the brooder! Bet it's a roo. It charged my hand when I was putting chick starter in a dish inside the brooder!





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