3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Wow!! I am jealous. =) My DH thinks I am crazy enough with three coops and 40 chickens.. and we have 26 acres. :)

My barn now has 17 coops. I have 10 outside coops. I currently have 300 plus chickens. My goal is to get down to 100.
I have 8 1/2 acres, so I have plenty of room, I have just gotten carried away with my " hobby" . (Hatching) So big incubator is off until March 6th. But I have decided what breeds to keep & will only be hatching from those breeds. The rest are for sale &/or will go to auction. That chicken # does not include my other feathered ones.
I have peacocks, pheasants, ducks, geese, pigeons. Another 67 critters.

I have 1 horse. A old (25ish year old) Appaloosa.

I just realized that I never announced the winner of the Cutest Chick Contest, so here it is.

And the Winner is.....

SCG's little silkie Pigpen!


P.S. You must accept this because there is a 5 way tie for second place, so you can't deffer it to them.
P.S. You must accept this because there is a 5 way tie for second place, so you can't deffer it to them.

That's the best post I've seen! How can I resist a cute plush toy to add to my chicken collection?


I'll inform PigPen, who still fits her moniker. She's now started to "feather" out on her top notch... and she's got 3 black pin feathers sticking straight up in a pile of yellow ones.
I posted this over on 'what breed or gender', but wanted to show you all that my one eyed chick is doing just fine. Even better, looks like I got two rumpless, possibly tufted chickies out of my 'araucana' eggs. =)

Aaaaand this little guy has a new home - and they know he's missing an eye and is more than likely a boy. :)

One of my rumpies:

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I've never seen an eyeless chicken... although I have an olive egger that is totally blind in one eye and can hardly see out of the other one.
I've never seen an eyeless chicken... although I have an olive egger that is totally blind in one eye and can hardly see out of the other one.

Someone on here has a thread re: a chicken with BOTH eyes missing.. it's doing well! So I figured I'd give my one eyed guy a chance. He's able to do everything he needs to (only way I can tell apart at quick glance is by the little piece of vet tape still around one leg from his hobbles.. Thankfully the new owner says she has 'misfit' chickens and is happy to welcome a slightly special needs boy chick. :)
I have a FBCM chick from the NYD hatch that looks like it won't make it. It's bottom is swollen and distended and I'm too afraid to squeeze it to see if I can get poop to come out... It's so swollen, I can't see the vent. I'm worried that I put too much DE down with the pine shavings and that it dried his bottom out so much that it couldn't poop. I washed it up with warm water but I don't think it helped, I'm feeling helpless.
Poor thing, if you're dealing with swelling, wouldn't cold to reduce it better than heat? So many chick problems are just such a mystery; it's very frustrating.

Edit to fix idiocy
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