3rd Annual Northeastern "Sharkie" Chickenstock - NH - July 7, 2012!!! Come one...come all!!

Tell him there will be other spouses her who are interested in varying degrees. We have lots of acres. Does he hike or "nature walk"? There will be plenty of people to chat with. If he is a people watcher bring a chair and chat away. Or leave him home and have a chickies day on your own or bring a friend instead. See...where there is a will there is a way! :)

My DH is not a chicken enthusiast either but he has a good time coming to chickenstocks.
hubby said ok to going he agreed he kids would have a blast and he would be ok
he would probably love to go for a hike with our son, thanks for all the good ideas!
Aceschix- found you on byc! The 10 little marans variety pack I came home with yesterday are doing great. I am super excited about coming to this chickenstock. Would be my first
My husband was even interested.... even if it is with his crazy chicken lady wife lol. See you then!
Where is everyone? I hate that I do not get as many email updates as I used to with the old BYC!

We need some chatter!! Getting down to 3 months now.

Remember to bring your chairs.

I am getting soe excited. Lots of work to do around the farm to be "ready"!!
That is great! By then i will know who my breeders will be and I am sure I will have extras for new homes!

Making plans for where we will put everyone and everything....DH needs to move some of this equipment!
Ohhh...the chicken shirt logo looks good Travis! I also like the yellow chicken...but the brown legs are weird. Maybe I am too used to Ameraucana legs to appreciate the color. :D

April...3 months seems like a long time, but it never is. What do you still need to get done around the farm?

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