3rd Annual Northeastern "Sharkie" Chickenstock - NH - July 7, 2012!!! Come one...come all!!

Here's photos of my new birds and their new home:
The structure on the right is our new hoop coop. the other two are hoop houses in our garden. If you look carefully, you can see the rusty large chicken (avatar) near the hoop on the left.

The hoop coop has 2 rooms, and on one side of the roof is aluminum, the other side is clear corrugated stuff. It is big 20x24". It faces west now, but in the winter we will move it to the garden and face the clear side south for light and warmth. Sorry about the construction debris, we just finished this.

New residents! the screen on the right is temporary, - to separate the baby "cockerel"? and April's off-color wheaten from the big girls.

The beauty queen:

I think April's chick looks just like this Basque hen in my other flock!
No predators can get in there? Shoot if I sisnt have my girls in fort knox The coons and foxes would have them all in one night!!!
No predators can get in there? Shoot if I sisnt have my girls in fort knox The coons and foxes would have them all in one night!!!

Sorry, I did not mean to make you sad by posting the photos. Our friend that I gave 4 hens to sent me photos today and I was so delighted to see them.

I really don't know how predator proof it is, because it is new. We covered it all in hardware cloth, and there is a hardware cloth skirt around the bottom which is screwed into the base.

Someone on the hoop coop thread said that predators try to dig around the perimeter, and that they are not smart enough to just move farther out and dig there. I hope he's right! Apparently, it has worked for him.
Note to jersey girl, - I posted the questionable lavender roo you gave me on the lavender Ameraucana breeders thread. I only got one response so far, but they voted roo! Keeping my fingers crossed.
Sorry, I did not mean to make you sad by posting the photos. Our friend that I gave 4 hens to sent me photos today and I was so delighted to see them.
I really don't know how predator proof it is, because it is new. We covered it all in hardware cloth, and there is a hardware cloth skirt around the bottom which is screwed into the base.
Someone on the hoop coop thread said that predators try to dig around the perimeter, and that they are not smart enough to just move farther out and dig there. I hope he's right! Apparently, it has worked for him.

No Im good and happy for them...Iwas just saying that at my house if I forgot once to lock up a bird...theyd be toast...Had a bear last night at my neighbors house and it came toards my house until the neighbor scared it away! My birds are so locked at all times...foxes all day long coons all night...cant wait fir the electric fencing!
Had to share this pic of the little blue Cochin chick we took home on Saturday. With the help of my 3-year-old son we have named her (or him!) Fancy Pants. ;)

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